Thursday, September 22, 2011

Shelter Animals

This is something that has always bothered me: Why is it acceptable to put down animals that do not get adopted, yet it is murder to kill a child that does not get adopted?

Don't get me wrong, I am not advocating killing children. I am just trying to make a point. Why is one species more important than another? Just because a cat or a dog cannot talk back doesn't make it right to treat them the way that people do. They are living beings with feelings and thoughts too. I consider my cat to be like my baby, and I can't imagine harm coming to him. I do what I can to help the stray cats that live outside my building, leaving food out for them and whatnot.

I think it's a huge double standard to hold people accountable for murdering other humans, but when it comes to animals, people turn a blind eye. It is still life being taken. Why should it matter if it's a human, or cat or dog or whatever? People tend to have a superiority complex because we build things and have technology. Yet we forget that most of these species have been here long before us and are much better adapted to survive. Let's face it, without our technology, we'd all be dead. That and not to mention we are an invasive species. Look at what we're doing to our planet. Humans are the worst thing to ever happen to this planet.

 Think about it.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Sexuality: Shades of Grey

I came across a website this morning that posed questions like:
"Can a man have sex with men and still be considered straight?" or "Are you still a lesbian if you have sex with men?"

Yes questions like these are valid are thought-provoking, but I think the problem is that sexuality is not as simple as "gay" or "straight." I think that society is too focused on putting labels on everything that we all miss the point entirely. Even calling a person bisexual or pansexual doesn't completely cover it, though if you insist on putting a label on it, I think that would be the best option.

The way I see it, sexuality isn't so black and white as people think it is. A person't entire sexual orientation and the way they look at and act on their love life cannot be sumed up in just one word. This really is a subject that needs to be seen in shades of grey. I mean, so what if a person is a man, woman, both, transgendered, missing a limb, black, white, blue, green. Love is love, and it doesn't matter what you are, but who you are.

Personally, I do not label myself as anything. I prefer to say that I am attracted to the person, not the gender. I will admit that I am more attracted to females than males, but I think it's because females tend to be more emotionally avaliable and tender than males are. But as of now, I am in a hery happy comitted relationship is 3 1/2 years with a wonderful woman, and I can defitnatly see myself spending the rest of my life with her. Not because of what she is, but who she is.

And that, my friends, is love.