Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Finding Strength in a Time of Hate

Hello. My name is Jey. I am a proud member and supporter of the LGBT community. First of all, I want to wish everyone a Happy National Coming Out Day. I hope everyone stays strong as we continue to fight for our rights. Now, on to what I wanted to talk about...

I was watching a documentary over the weekend about the Westboro Baptist Church and the things I saw made me annoyed beyond words. But I will try to compose my thoughts and get them out there on this blog post right here. To begin with, members of the church said they were preaching love of God and trying to save people from Hell. How can such hateful words be said in the name of love and God? How can hatred for one group of people be justified like that. I admit, I have not read the Bible, but I do know that Jesus preached love and forgiveness. What the WBC stand for is the exact opposite.

Also, WBC members constantly go on about how horrible America is and how this country is going to Hell. Well, if you really think it is that bad here, move out. No one is stopping you. The only reason these people haven't moved out is because this is the only country in the world where they have the freedom to say these nasty and hurtful things without any consequences. Remember awhile back, they wanted to protest the funerals of the victims of the massacre in Sweden? They were stopped dead in their tracks because the Swedish government threatened to throw them in jail if they came. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but if they truly believed what they were preaching, wouldn't they still go and stand up for what they think is right even with the threat of jail time? Something just seems fishy there.

Yes, we do have the Freedom of Speech in America, but with that freedom comes responsibility. There is a time and a place for everything, and just because you have the right to say something doesn't mean it should be said. To protest at a funeral and shot these nasty insults at people when they are trying to mourn a loved one is just wrong. Maybe he or she was a sinner in one person's eyes, but on the other hand, that is some one's loved one and their loss is painful enough. I guarantee that if a group of gays were to protest a WBC funeral, the church members would not be happy, and would sue the group that protested their funeral.

I think that the WBC is not about spreading the word of God. It is about one man's hatred for a group of people that has done nothing to harm him. He is rounding up people to do his dirty work and spread his message of hate. This is one man's personal agenda, and he is using these people to do it. Even the young children are caught up in this, and they are innocent victims as well. In the documentary I watched, the reporter asked one of the children if he knew what "fag" meant, and the child could not answer him. These poor children are just more victims of WBC's hate.

I will conclude by saying this: By no means am I a perfect person. I say bad things I don't mean, I do things I'll regret, I have some anger management problems, I drink more than I should. But I do all this because I am human, not because I am dammed to Hell or whatever. Humans are supposed to make mistakes, humans are supposed to be flawed. I know things will never be perfect and people will always have hatred or other people. But on the flip side of that, people can also be great and can learn to love others. If we all take a step back and look at the greater picture, we will all see how much time and energy is wasted on hate.

So, this Coming Out Day, I wish everyone strength and love, because it is much harder to love, but it is worth it.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Shelter Animals

This is something that has always bothered me: Why is it acceptable to put down animals that do not get adopted, yet it is murder to kill a child that does not get adopted?

Don't get me wrong, I am not advocating killing children. I am just trying to make a point. Why is one species more important than another? Just because a cat or a dog cannot talk back doesn't make it right to treat them the way that people do. They are living beings with feelings and thoughts too. I consider my cat to be like my baby, and I can't imagine harm coming to him. I do what I can to help the stray cats that live outside my building, leaving food out for them and whatnot.

I think it's a huge double standard to hold people accountable for murdering other humans, but when it comes to animals, people turn a blind eye. It is still life being taken. Why should it matter if it's a human, or cat or dog or whatever? People tend to have a superiority complex because we build things and have technology. Yet we forget that most of these species have been here long before us and are much better adapted to survive. Let's face it, without our technology, we'd all be dead. That and not to mention we are an invasive species. Look at what we're doing to our planet. Humans are the worst thing to ever happen to this planet.

 Think about it.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Sexuality: Shades of Grey

I came across a website this morning that posed questions like:
"Can a man have sex with men and still be considered straight?" or "Are you still a lesbian if you have sex with men?"

Yes questions like these are valid are thought-provoking, but I think the problem is that sexuality is not as simple as "gay" or "straight." I think that society is too focused on putting labels on everything that we all miss the point entirely. Even calling a person bisexual or pansexual doesn't completely cover it, though if you insist on putting a label on it, I think that would be the best option.

The way I see it, sexuality isn't so black and white as people think it is. A person't entire sexual orientation and the way they look at and act on their love life cannot be sumed up in just one word. This really is a subject that needs to be seen in shades of grey. I mean, so what if a person is a man, woman, both, transgendered, missing a limb, black, white, blue, green. Love is love, and it doesn't matter what you are, but who you are.

Personally, I do not label myself as anything. I prefer to say that I am attracted to the person, not the gender. I will admit that I am more attracted to females than males, but I think it's because females tend to be more emotionally avaliable and tender than males are. But as of now, I am in a hery happy comitted relationship is 3 1/2 years with a wonderful woman, and I can defitnatly see myself spending the rest of my life with her. Not because of what she is, but who she is.

And that, my friends, is love.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


It's no secret that I'm unhappy with where my life job-wise has ended up. I have a college degree and I'm stuck in a dead-end bullshit receptionist job that gives me no challenge or stimulation or anything. All it is to me is a paycheck. That's it. I don't care about the company, I don't care about the office. All I care about is that I get my paycheck and weekend.

And it's sad that life has come down to this. Working for a paycheck. I know I'm not the first or only one to be going through this, but it's much sadder than it seems. To be wasting 5 out of 7 days of the week doing something I hate and being so miserable...it's not a way to live. Nobody should have to live their life that way. To spend your days in front of a computer doing menial bullshit work that you couldn't give two shits about? No thank you. But that's what it comes down to.

Society today is too driven by money and status that people are forced into any job they can get just to make enough money to live. Life has a price, and it's a high one. True, I don't know any other way that society could work or function, but there has got to be a better answer than this. To have so many people so unhappy...you'd think that would be a wake-up call. But sadly, people are dense and stupid. And things probably aren't going to change.

Monday, July 25, 2011

R.I.P. Isshi

Isshi, former vocalist of Kagrra, passed away last night. It was such a shock to wake up to such devastating news of this sudden death. And what's more is that no one is saying how he died, which makes it all the more surreal. We can only send our love to the other members of Kagrra and to Isshi's family in this tragic time.

It's hard to think of people passing away, especially when it is so unexpected like this. In the Japanese rock world, everyone is still relativity young, and we haven't experienced much tragedy in loosing beloved rockers. However, death is a part of life, and we have to accept whatever happens. We all just have to make the best of the time we have here and live our lives to the fullest.

Rest in peace dear Isshi. ♥

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Why the Gays?

Ok all this talk about the Michelle Bachman and her husband's "gay therapy" has me thinking.

First of all, why try to change someone? Being gay is a part of who someone is and it's stupid to try to change that. It would be like trying to change someone's ethnicity...it can't be done. And those people who say that you can successfully be "un-gay" are just kidding themselves and everyone around them. If a person being gay bothers you that much, then just leave them alone and don't have anything to do with them. Why can't people just be adult about it rather than trying to change the fundamentals of who a person is? Or even worse are the people who have so much hate that they go around targeting gay people and beat them up. It just baffles my mind that people have that much time and energy to devote to something they hate. Why not channel that energy into doing something you love or something more productive? To me, that seems like a much better use for someone's time rather than make another human being's life miserable.

Second, why the gays? Have you noticed lately that groups are targeting gays and using gays as a scapegoat for the world's problems? It seems like people just want someone to pin their problems on so lift the blame off themselves. It's happened throughout history with Jews, blacks, and almost any other group that is different from the majority, or what is considered "normal." In reality, people would get a lot more accomplished if we all banded together as one human race and tried to solve our problems together. Maybe that is the point of having all these different types of groups on this planet: to offer different points of view and different ideas on how to make the world better. But instead of trying to make the world better, we all fight amongst each other and create more problems for ourselves.

But sadly, this hate will always exist. I don't think it's being pessimistic to say that. I think that as long as there are different beliefs and different points of view, there will always be conflict and hate. I'm not saying that we all need to join hands and sing hippie songs about friendship, but I'm saying we need to put our differences aside a little bit so we can coexist on this planet...because this is all we have so might as well try to make the best of it. However, we are a long, long way away from that.

And this post went way off from where I originally wanted it to go, but I think it still gets my point across, so I'm leaving it the way it is. :)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

What's the Point?

So, we're all into blogging nowadays. Posting our thoughts and inner monologues for the entire internet to read. Obviously I include myself in this group. But still, you have to sit back for a minute and think, "why?" Why does the world want to know what I'm thinking? Why would I put my business out there for others to see?

I guess it's because we all want to be recgonized or remembered. We want people to know what we've accomplished in our lives, and we want people to think of us after we're gone. Putting a blog out there is the easiest way to do that. With a click of a mouse, whatever we choose to put out there is published and ready for users to find it. It's a way for each person to leave his or her own mark in the world, even if it just ends up a speck on the internet. Still, it's there.


Testing the new blog :)