Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Sexuality: Shades of Grey

I came across a website this morning that posed questions like:
"Can a man have sex with men and still be considered straight?" or "Are you still a lesbian if you have sex with men?"

Yes questions like these are valid are thought-provoking, but I think the problem is that sexuality is not as simple as "gay" or "straight." I think that society is too focused on putting labels on everything that we all miss the point entirely. Even calling a person bisexual or pansexual doesn't completely cover it, though if you insist on putting a label on it, I think that would be the best option.

The way I see it, sexuality isn't so black and white as people think it is. A person't entire sexual orientation and the way they look at and act on their love life cannot be sumed up in just one word. This really is a subject that needs to be seen in shades of grey. I mean, so what if a person is a man, woman, both, transgendered, missing a limb, black, white, blue, green. Love is love, and it doesn't matter what you are, but who you are.

Personally, I do not label myself as anything. I prefer to say that I am attracted to the person, not the gender. I will admit that I am more attracted to females than males, but I think it's because females tend to be more emotionally avaliable and tender than males are. But as of now, I am in a hery happy comitted relationship is 3 1/2 years with a wonderful woman, and I can defitnatly see myself spending the rest of my life with her. Not because of what she is, but who she is.

And that, my friends, is love.

1 comment:

  1. Thats how I look at it. I have a lot of gay friends and I don't judge them at all. Love is love and loving someone for who they are is a beautiful thing.

    So many people are so quick to judge to the point to where sometimes they don't give others a chance and it's sad.
